Saturday, March 5, 2011

5th annual NoPe Conference

Aphra Behn and Julia Child were panelists at the 5th annual NoPE Conference "Dreaming the Americas: Global Change in Performance". The panel's theme was Activism and Performance and co-panelists Zak Berkman, Stephen Duncombe and Chiroi Miyagawa discussed using theatre to make political statements in ways beyond the convention of a traditional play. A dialogue focusing on how theatre is an oppressive space - and how it oppresses women and artists of color -- followed one about how to incorporate art into political protests to make them more effective. The panel was moderated by Kristin Horton of NYU. We really enjoyed it and it was great to be at the Nuyorican Cafe on the lower east side. Here's a shot of Julia waiting backstage. She was having a bad hair day.